
Powering progress: Fondation Nexans announces 2024 Call for Projects winners

Jul 22, 2024


The Fondation Nexans is thrilled to announce the selection of eleven outstanding projects for its 2024 Call for Projects campaign. These projects, spanning across eleven countries, all share a common goal: creating a brighter, more sustainable future through access to electricity, education, and environmental responsibility for local communities. 

Lighting up lives and homes in Brazil 

LITRO DE LUZ Brasil combats energy poverty in Rio de Janeiro by installing low-cost, easy-to-build solar lamps in low-income households. These lamps, constructed using recycled materials, provide safe and reliable lighting while promoting energy efficiency. This innovative approach empowers communities and fosters a culture of sustainability. 

Enhancing safety and security in Chile 

UN TECHO PARA CHILE addresses safety concerns in vulnerable communities across Chile. Their project focuses on installing solar-powered streetlights, illuminating public spaces and deterring crime. This initiative aims to improve the overall well-being of residents and create a safer environment for everyone. 

Bringing light and savings to Colombian communities 

Similar to the project in Chile, TECHO COLOMBIA brings solar-powered solutions to underserved communities in Medellín, Cali, Bogotá et Barranquilla. They will install 40 streetlights to enhance nighttime safety and provide household lamps to reduce energy expenses for residents. This multifaceted project fosters a brighter future for Colombian communities. 

Transforming lives in Peru with sustainable solutions 

TECHO PERU's project tackles challenges in the settlements of Portada del Sol in San Juan de Miraflores, Incorporados de Nueva Jerusalén in San Juan de Lurigancho, and Hijos de Terrazas in Ventanilla, in Lima. They will install solar-powered streetlights to improve safety, equip community centers with solar lighting systems for improved functionality, and conduct workshops on safe electrical installations.  
The project extends beyond streetlights. TECHO PERU will also install solar panels in community centers, promoting clean energy use and reducing reliance on fossil fuels. This initiative contributes to a more sustainable future for these communities. 

Solar educational kits ensure learning continuity in Madagascar

For nearly two decades, ACCESMAD has been a cornerstone of science and technical education in Madagascar. Boasting over 100 digital classrooms and the EDUCMAD electronic library empowering teachers and students, the organization takes a significant leap towards sustainability with the 2024 Call for Projects.

This year's initiative addresses the challenge of consistent access to education in remote areas. Leveraging the Call for Projects, the organization deploys innovative solar-powered educational kits. These portable kits include tablets pre-loaded with the EDUCMAD library content, accompanied by solar panels and chargers. Additionally, the project focuses on empowering schools for long-term success by providing training programs for teachers and technicians on maintaining both existing equipment and the new solar kits. This ensures uninterrupted learning opportunities, even in electricity-deprived regions. The initiative exemplifies the Call for Projects' commitment to fostering lasting change and empowering communities.

The IECD combats youth unemployment in energy and industry: Promoting job integration for a sustainable future

IECD tackles youth unemployment in the energy and industrial sectors across the Ivory Coast, Morocco, and Lebanon. Their project provides training and support to young people, strengthening their skills and knowledge to help them find employment and contribute to a sustainable future. This initiative empowers young people and fosters a more skilled workforce in the clean energy sector. 

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Promoting sustainability in Turkish education

TURK Egitim Vafki (TEV) is implementing a two-part sustainability initiative in Turkey. First, they will introduce educational sessions and hands-on learning opportunities to ignite a passion for sustainability among high school students. This will equip the next generation with valuable knowledge about solar energy technologies and environmental responsibility.

Secondly, TEV will focus on practical sustainability at the TEV Uğuz Tarık Demirağ Vocational and Technical High School in Istanbul. This includes installing solar panels to generate clean energy for the school's operations and constructing an electric vehicle charging station. These actions will promote the use of clean energy and sustainable transportation within the school community.

This comprehensive approach by TEV empowers students, fosters a culture of sustainability, and demonstrates practical applications of clean energy technologies.

Ponotio powers oportunity in Ivory Coast

Ponotio Solidarité et Développement is bringing solar power to Katiola, Ivory Coast. Their project electrifies the "Maison d'animation," a vocational training center for 60 young women. Solar panels will enhance the center's capabilities and empower these women with valuable skills, fostering their economic independence.

This initiative extends beyond education. Ponotio will also install solar panels in 10 underprivileged households, all led by single mothers. This access to electricity improves their living conditions, allows children to study at night, and empowers these families to pursue income-generating activities.

Empowering Togo's fishmongers

Geres expands its impactful project in Togo, empowering 36 women fishmongers in the Lacs1 commune. This three-year initiative tackles economic challenges, environmental concerns, and labor burdens. By equipping them with reliable cold storage solutions, Geres aims to significantly reduce spoilage and minimize night work, directly benefiting an estimated 48,500 people in the commune. Training and support will empower these women to become more effective business owners, potentially increasing profitability and market reach. This project fosters a brighter future for these women, strengthens the local economy, and promotes environmental responsibility.

Bringing reliable electricity to Miawani

The Kumasi Institute of Technology, Energy and Environment (KITE) is tackling energy poverty in Ghana. Their project extends the low-voltage distribution network by 2.1 kilometers, bringing reliable electricity to the village of Miawani for the first time. This electrification initiative will transform lives by improving living conditions, education opportunities, and economic possibilities for the community.

Homes in Miawani will benefit from improved lighting, essential appliances, and extended working hours. Electricity unlocks economic potential for businesses, allowing them to operate more efficiently and potentially sparking new entrepreneurial ventures. KITE's project empowers the people of Miawani, fostering a brighter future.

Building a haven of hope

In the wake of the devastating earthquake that struck Morocco on September 8, 2023, AMESIP, a Moroccan NGO, rose to the challenge. Their initiative, the Village Shems'y, provides comprehensive care for 144 orphaned children (Orphelins Pupilles de la Nation) who lost their families in the disaster. AMESIP is committed to supporting these children until they become self-sufficient.

The Village Shems'y serves as a safe haven, offering a nurturing environment that fosters the physical, emotional, and social well-being of the children. The village boasts facilities dedicated to education, cultural activities, and social and psychological support. This holistic approach aims to assist the children in their process of healing and guide them towards a promising future. Dedicated social workers provide 24/7 care, ensuring each child receives the individualized attention they need to thrive.

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A commitment to global impact

The selected projects represent a diverse range of initiatives, all contributing to the Fondation Nexans’s mission of creating lasting positive change. With a total beneficiary reach of 394,378 people, these projects will have a significant impact on communities around the world.

The Fondation Nexans extends a heartfelt thank you to all the participating NGOs for their dedication to improving lives and our planet. We congratulate the selected organizations on their innovative and impactful projects, and we look forward to a collaborative effort in building a brighter, more electrified future for all.

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